Eyka Blog: New Day New Life

Sunday, 13 September 2015

New Day New Life

안녕하세요 (Hi, everyone) 

만세...!! (Hurray) Long time not to see.. I had renew my own blog to look fresh & sweet. [Padahal, nampak simple sahajakan] >_<

First of all, let's me say sorry to you all because I'm to excited wth Hanguk writting. Hik8! 미안 (Sorry).. And maybe my english writting was so bad too.. [Just abaikan, okay]. Okay! Let me introduce myself first.. My name is Eyka [Just my surname anyways] I was born in 1998. So, I was 17 now.. And I had this important examination called SPM..!! Heol..!! 무서운 소리 (Its sound scary) right..?!? Anyway, just pray to me 4 doing well. 

Mmmm, lagi2..?? 
Mmm, kalau ada kesampaian lagi.. In shaa Allah, saya ni jenis yang kadang2 suka memasak, menulis cerita2 romantik yang tak berfaedah [too many imagination in my head] And disebabkan I hv too many hobby in my life.. Maybe I will some kind of recipe sometimes.. Sharing my story wth u guys..!! So, just wait until my next post. I hope u guys will appreciate it.

p/s: I'm just a human that always make a mistake.

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