Eyka Blog

Friday, 16 August 2019

Luahan yang Tak Terungkap

Change your thoughts
And you change your world.... - Norman Vincent Peale

As'salamualaikum, bg saudari/saudara yg beragama Islam... 

Dan.. salam ataupun selamat pagi/petang/malam buat yang bukan beragama Islam.... 

Sudah sekian lama aku biarkan entry blog aku ni kosong tanpa sebarang update dan post. Sesungguhnya kehidupan dan alasan membuatkan aku sibuk nak buka blog dan aku lebih senang ataupun mudah untuk meluahkannya di status IG, telegram, twitter, whatapps & seangkatan dgnnya. Harap bagi yang masih ikuti blog aku yang tak seberapa ni faham...

Well, zaman bilalah yg dok update tulis dkt blog ni kan?? Hmmmm.... 

Tp hari ni aq rasa mcm terdetik hati nak kongsi cerita dgn korang semua...

Alhamdulillah, aku baru saja officially graduate sebagai bdk Diploma dalam bidang Information Management... Not a big deal, pun... 

Nk ckp aku bdk Dekan idoklah.. tp alhamdulillah aq berjaya harungi semua tu & tamatkannya dlm wktu yg sepatutnya.

Seriously, aq rsa bersyukur sgt...

Skrg dh tiba masanya aku buat keputusan baru.. dan benda ni bukanlah mudah bg aq..

Aq ada mohon penerapan utk sambung deg.. Dan keputusannya kluar 19th August ni.. Sejujurnya aq mcm tk bersedia nk smbung lg wlaupun aq dh apply.

Semlm aq ada pergi interview kerja utk jdi Pembantu Dapur dkt foodcourt mydin area rumah aq.. 

Adalah juga 2, 3 interview kerja yang aq dh pergi... Ada yg sampai skrg aq dok tggu lg jawapan tp tk dpt, tk kol pun lg... Dan ada krja yg aq dh kena p training sehri tp dia tknk ambil aku lps tu..

Aku akur mungkin sbb aq tk pernah krja jd krja yg aq buat tu slow sikit.. Tambah, bnda tu mcm bru bg aku.. (Admin On9 sales)... Mungkin juga sebab aku pun mcm tk tnjuk komitmen & bersungguh-sungguh nk krja.

Tp seriously blk tu aq kecewa, rasa down smpaikan aku menangis teruk sesangat.. Aq rasa hidup mcm tk berguna. Kepala otak aq sampai trfikir knplah aq dilahirkan ke dunia... (smpai mcm tu sekali aq fikir)

Nak cari kerja sekarang bukan senang iya adik-adik oiii... 

Org yang ada certificate smunya berlumba-lumba nk kerja hat bagus-bagus... Hat yg biasa-biasa ni smua kekdg warga asing dh sapu dulu. (Bkn nk mngutuk tp mmg kenyataan) 

Nk ckp aq demand psl gaji tak adalah sgt... Cukup utk tampung diri sndiri lps tu byr hutang ptptn, bg sikit dkt makpak, share dgn adik-adik pun dh ckup... 

Walaupun, aku fikir gaji RM1k ni sgtlah tak mncukupi bila zaman dah pelan membangun dan moden. 

Errr... sorrylah. korang mesti bosankan dgr luah hati aku ni.. 😞

Tp.. perasaan nilah yg aq dok rsa akhir-akhir ni... 

Sejujurnya aku nak cari pengalaman kerja pula.. Aq nk rsa betapa bestnya kalau dpt pegang duit titik peluh sendiri.. susah payah kerja nak dptkan duit...

Tp, dlm masa yg sma ada hati kecil aq yg tgh risaukan aq dan sebolehnya dia tak nak biarkan aku dikecewakan atau disakiti dgn org sekeliling. 

Nk ckp aku kuat tu tak adalah... hati aq ni lemah je mcm tisu weii... Tp aq pernah je kna maki/tegur sbb grp assignment buat halai balai.. 

Aq dgr je... kekuatan aq adalh aq mmpu dgr & terima bnda tu dgn elok... 
Walau bgaimanpun, hati kecil aq turut rasa terkilan, hiba lps tu nak emotional nak nangis.. 

Hah, mcm tulah aq nk habaq... hati aq mcm tu..cpt emotional for no reasons. 

Tp kekadg aq bca.. air mata tu bukanlah satu kelemahan tp satu kekuatan yg nk ajar diri kita utk jd lebih tabah..

I dunno... mungkin iya, mungkin tak...🙊 

Okaylah, apa pun keputusan yg aq buat... aq hrp ia baik buat diri aku, keluarga aku dan masa depan aq dunia & akhirat... 

Org kata stress only make your life become tough & harder... Jd aq nk ajar diri utk tk stress dgn bnda yg remeh temeh ni.

Hopefully, korang doakanlah yg baik-baik buat saya, okay!! 

Thanks sebab sudi mendengar.... Nanti, kalau rajin sis sambung or share apa yg terjadi okay.. 😄😊💓

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Recipe Pineapple Tart Roll

Recipe Pineapple Tart Roll
Preparation time: 30 | Cooking Time: 60 | Number of Servings: 36

Ø  Ingredients for jam:
·         2 pineapple, grate and drain
·         600 grams of yellow
·         1 cinnamon stick
·         2-3 dots of yellow dye

Ø  Material for decoration:
·         1 egg yolks
·         1 water blade
·         A yellow dye tint
Ø  Ingredients for tart:
·         125 gram butter, premium Anchor butter
·         1 tablespoon sugar caster
·         1 egg yolks
·         1 large cow's oil blade
·         1 3/4 cup wheat flour *
·         1/4 cup corn starch *
·         1 tablespoon of custard flour *
·         1/2 small fine salt blade, (if unsalted butter)

How to make it:
  1. Ways to pineapple:
    1. Cook the grated pineapple with sugar.
    2. When it is almost dry, add the yellow dye and cinnamon. Cook the fire slowly until it is quite dry.
  2. Methods for decoration materials:
    1. Stir in the egg yolks, water and yellow dye. Sweep over the roll tart.
  3. Ways to tart:
    1. Beat the butter (released at room temperature) with sugar until white and creamy.
    2. Add egg yolks, beef oil and salt. Stir well.
    3. Sift all three types of flour (marked *). Pour the flour gradually into the dough until it softens the dough. Take a break.
    4. Insert the dough into the tart mold, press and roll with the longitudinal pineapple core longitudinal. Arrange on a baking sheet yard with baking paper or digress with butter.
    5. Apply on tart roll with decorative material. Preheat the oven at a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius, put in a cake and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • If the dough is still a bit hard, put the butter little by little so that the dough becomes easy to apply.

credit to:

Recipe Suji Biscuits

Recipe ‘Suji’ Biscuits (Ghee Cookies)
Preparation : 5min  |  Cook : 20min  |  Ready in : 25min | Serves: 12

·         400 gms flour
·         250 gms castor sugar
·         250 gms ghee
·         A pinch of salt (optional)

How to make it:
1.      Melt ghee over a low heat and let cool.
2.      Mix the sugar, salt and flour together. Pour in the melted ghee into the dry ingredients and blend well. The mixture should be soft and if it's too sticky, add a little bit more flour.
3.      Form little balls with the dough and place on baking tray. Bake at 350°F oven for about 20 minutes or when they're done.
4.      Let cool and then roll the cookies to coat with some castor sugar. Keep in airtight container.

credit to:

Recipe 'Semperit' Biscuits

Recipe ‘Semperit’ Biscuits
Preparation time: 25 Minutes | Cooking Time: 30 Minutes | Number of Dishes: 8

  • 260g wheat flour
  • 350g butter
  • 200g sugar icing
  • 2 eggs
  • 200g custard flour
  • 100g corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • red cherries and green cherries for garnish

How to make it:
  1. Beat butter and icing sugar until white, then add eggs and vanilla essence. Beat up the flowers.
  2. Put wheat flour, custard flour and corn flour. Stir and turn into a gentle dough.
  3. Put the dough into a pulverized mold and press on the greased baking tray.
  4. Decorate the cherries on it.
  5. Finally burn in oven with 180° C for 10-15 minutes or until cooked.

credit to:

Recipe Peanut Biscuit (Biskut Kacang)

Recipe Peanut Biscuit
Preparation time: 20 | Cooking Time: 20 | Number of Dishes: 24

  • 2 cups of wheat flour
  • 2 cup peanut powder, fried without oil and fine range
  • 1 cup of refined sugar
  • daisy corn oil or mazola oil, to taste
  • 1 small salt blade
  • 1 egg yolk, for decoration

How to make it:
  1. Mix wheat flour, peanut powder, fine sugar and salt until well mixed. Then add the oil gradually until it gets a soft and moldy blend.
  2. Make dough 1cm thick and apply with round molds.
  3. Arrange in a tray that is greased with butter or lined with baking paper. Apply with yolk on the surface of biscuits and bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until yellowish.

  • To get a fine peanut powder, fry it without oil. So, the beans become crunchy and remove the skin before it is blended smoothly.
  • It can also decorate the top of biscuits with beans.

credit to:

Recipe 'Makmur' Biscuit

Recipe ‘Makmur’ Biscuit
Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes | Number of Servings: 50

  • Material for dough:
    • 500g wheat flour
    • 2/3 cup icing sugar
    • 1 small tin of beef oil
    • Paper cup
  • Materials for the core:
    • 200g peanuts, fried without oil
    • 3/4 cup icing sugar
    • 1 large peanut butter bean, optional
  • Materials for coating:
    • Slightly icing sugar

How to make it:
  1. Bring the wheat flour in a pan, then turn the flour together with icing sugar. Mix the dough with a little bit of oil until it has a soft dough and can be beaten.
  2. Blend peanuts and mix with icing sugar and peanut butter.
  3. Measure the dough using one tablespoon to make sure to get the same cake. Then flatten and place the nut core in the middle. Close the core and make longitudinal shapes.
  4. Arrange on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes, temperature 150-160 degrees Celsius. Cakes may be a bit soft when touched when still hot.
  5. Cool the biscuit, coating with icing sugar and place it in the paper cup.

  • ‘Sangai’ is a method of frying without the use of oil. For wheat flour, it does not take long. It's just 4-5 minutes away.

credit to:

Recipe Honey Cornflakes

Recipe Honey Cornflakes
Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes | Number of Servings: 60

  • 5 cups of cornflakes
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of sugar castor
  • cherry or bead distribution, for decoration
  • paper cup, to taste

How to make it:
  1. Melt the butter in a pot over a small fire then add honey and sugar, mix well.
  2. In a bowl, rough cornflakes are so easy to put in a cake mold.
  3. Pour the melted butter mixture into the cornflakes bowl, stirring until the cornflakes are completely coated.
  4. Put it in a paper cup, garnish with cherry or bead distribution.
  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes, at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
 credit to:

Images by Freepik